St. Clair Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements

Project Name St. Clair Wastewater Treatment Facility

Services Engineering - Wastewater, City Engineer

Sector Government - Municipal

Location St. Clair, Missouri

Year 2022

Client City of St. Clair


The City of St. Clair faced a significant challenge in meeting their regulatory Schedule of Compliance for disinfection of their WWTF discharge. The City selected Archer-Elgin to develop a Master Plan of their wastewater collection and treatment system. Phase 1 of the WWTF improvements included a new Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection facility, as well as a new headworks/screening structure. To meet the impending deadline, Archer-Elgin implemented a fast-track process which included pre-procurement of the UV and screening equipment. This allowed the equipment to be purchased and fabricated while the construction plans were finalized and construction bids solicited.


Taff Branch Farmhouse


Truman Elementary